​Trainings are available in person in Brighton, UK, and Online - or you can mix and match!
Next Training starts Online on
19th & 20th October 2024
The Provider Process (the professional training to teach TRE to others)​
The TRE Provider Process is the professional training for you to teach TRE safely to others. Developed by Dr David Berceli, the founder of TRE, the process consists of three two day modules or two three day Modules, a comprehensive supervision process, a committed embodied self practice with personal journalling, and some key reading and written pieces. Module 1 is open to all as well as being the first step to becoming a provider and focuses on your personal process.
Facilitated by an experienced and supportive team, the training with Train TRE is practical and relational and offers ongoing support and personal development through connection and shared learning with online group supervision and regular shaking together in community.
You can complete the training in 10 - 18 months. The dates of the modules are spaced to facilitate completion within a year, however you can take your time and complete within 18 months taking modules on future dates. 'Life' of course happens, so you can also complete within 24 months, however please note that additional supervision may be required for longer term completion.​
"I felt supported, safe, seen and valued. The content was relevant with complex information explained in a simple way. Thank you so very much" Module 2, Brighton 2022
"I loved the organic and informative discussions" Module 1, Brighton 2022
"Grounded, open and welcoming. The power of group sharing and connection"
Personal Process
This Module is open to all
An understanding of TRE and ‘The Tremor Mechanism’
Learning to shake in a way that feels contained, regulated and enjoyable
Exploring grounding in TRE as a felt sense within the body
Self-regulation and the importance of going slow
The neurophysiology of stress and trauma and how shaking 'reboots' the nervous system
Avoiding Freezing, Flooding and Dissociation

Teaching TRE to Individuals
Safely teaching the 7 TRE with grounding and self-regulation
Verbal skills, awareness and key interventions
An introduction to Polyvagal Theory (Stephen Porges)
An introduction to fascia and following the body
Early signs of overwhelm and how to manage, with an emphasis on attunement, co-regulation and slowing down
Exploring presence as a Provider and basic interventions to support regulation

Teaching TRE to Groups
How to teach TRE to groups
Following the body and suggestions and skills for supporting tremors in groups online and in person (often called 'interventions' in TRE)​
Key skills and professional ethics in TRE​
Attachment Theory, transference and counter-transference and self-care
Revisiting early signs of overwhelm and how to safely work with
Discussion on scope of practice, what TRE is and what's it's not​​​

Running alongside the three Modules, is a minimum 12 supervision sessions with a TRE Mentor to support you in your personal process (4 sessions), teaching individuals (4 sessions post Module 2), and teaching groups (4 sessions post Module 3). A learning plan is developed with your mentor and there is a final certification session with myself. Please note that this is the minimum supervision requirement and additional sessions maybe needed.